Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today Ava Had Stole My Blanket

Before I get into today's entry I must share a moment from yesterday that I can't believe I forgot to mention.

Sitting in the living room mom and I were watching as you ran your nightly laps around the kitchen, dining room and living room. Suddenly, Cookie ran in front of your path and without hesitation you lifted your right leg and booted her under the belly. 

Once we knew Cookie wasn't injured, it took everything we had not to laugh. We needed to discipline you, but at the same time it was hysterical. We sternly told you not to do it again. 

The running continued and a few laps later you deviated from your path and followed McGee lifting your leg in a kicking motion as he dove underneath the end table. 

Again, we sternly warned you not to do it or a timeout was in order. 

A few minutes later you began to walk towards Cookie who was at our feet near the couch, swinging your leg as you took each step. I intervened before you could connect and pointing my finger at you again sternly said "we don't kick the cats!"

To which you knew my seriousness and immediately looked at me and began to cry. 

You really know how to make me melt! I scooped you up and told you I'm not mad but we cannot go around kicking the cats. They're part of the family. You quickly calmed down and all was forgiven.

Now ... for today's post: 

We held a mini-photo shoot in your room for some 18-month photos. See, rather than posed portraits we were trying to catch you doing what you enjoy, which in this case was reading. We got some great photos: 

Okay, I've been long winded without even getting to the point of this entry yet. So here goes ... 

We were all in the living room again relaxing for the evening when you began to walk away carrying your "towel." I snatched it from you and laid down and pretended to fall asleep with it. 

You found this amusing and came over and took your blanket back. I quickly jumped up said "You took my blanket!" and picked you up to place you on your Minnie couch. I tickled you and took the blanket back. I've never heard such laughter come from you. 

You thought this was the funnest thing in the world. Our cycle repeated for about ten minutes. You trying to run away with a blanket, me stealing it, you taking it back only for me to playfully toss you onto your couch and tickle you until I stole the blanket back. 

With times like this, who could possibly have a care in the world for that moment? 

I hope you had as much fun as I did tonight - and judging by the laughter I'd say you did.

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