Saturday, February 1, 2014

Today Ava Refused to Nap

I tried, tried, tried, and tried again - eight times to be exact - to get you down for a nap this afternoon. 

You and I stayed home today from mom's game because I thought I could get you down for a nap and clean the house a little bit before Grandma and Grandpa Fenner and Aunt Casey came in for the night. 

They were coming to babysit so mom could go to her listing appointment and I could go back to work for the Class of 2014 announcement.

I thought you tired yourself out after countless times up and down the slide and we made our way back upstairs. 

We went back to the room to lay down ... you went to the other side, slid off the side of the bed and back to the living room. 

We sat on the couch and watched more Doc McStuffins before trying again. I figured you were ready for a nap because you actually sat with me. Nope. Attempt number two was a failure as well. 

The cycle continued a few more times. I even tried putting the cartoons on in our room but that didn't work either. 

After the seventh attempt you were nearly asleep on the floor in the living room. "This is it!" I thought. "No doubt she'll go down for a nap now." 

I cradled you, took you back to the room and before I could even climb into bed you were already sliding back off of it. 

Sorry everyone, you might have a cranky baby on your hands for the evening ...

As soon as mom walked in the door from her basketball game she handed me the keys to the truck and out the door I went. 

I did find out from mom that you fell right to sleep for her and was out for about an hour and 45 minutes.

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