Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today Ava Tattled On Mom

As I began to round the corner to head up the stairs after work I heard a little giggle that let me know you were waiting for me at the top. 

I was about halfway up when you looked at me and said "Mommy tooted." 

Say what? 

"Mommy tooted" you repeated with a laugh. 

"Well, she busted me." Mom said, "Can't argue with her." At least I was given fair warning before finding out the hard way. 

Orange you glad I'm eating?
Those two words further cemented my belief that we need to really monitor our actions around you. As your vocabulary explodes and you pick up on your surroundings, we really need to be careful.

I mention your vocabulary, and this ties in with today's topic, we'll say something and ask you to repeat. Without hesitation you give it your best shot. Some of the words are complex for you but most of the time you nail it or get close enough for us to understand it. 

I may not have been a model student but I love to watch you learn. 

Here's a little P.S. - you also peed on the potty for the first time tonight. I'm not sure you even realized you did, but it's still a step in the right direction.

I had no idea you and mom were in the bathroom until I heard "You did it, yay!!!" excitedly come from mom. She called me over to tell me. 

You're quickly transforming into a big girl!

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