Friday, December 19, 2014

Today Ava Avoided Arlee's "Boo Boo"

I'm going to laugh ith you someday about this becuase yes, it is funny. 

You avoided Arlee's "boo boo," aka belly button, at all costs today. 

I wish I would have recorded some of it, but you were legitly concerned for her. 

When we changed hee diaper this morning, mom cautioned you to be gentle around her belly button. See, her cord hasn't fallen off yet, so until it does we need to be careful around it. 

That set the tone and you wouldn't go within five feet of her if we had her belly exposed. 

"I no like her boo boo!!" you'd say as you nervously walked a perimeter around her. A few times you even used me as a human shield even though curiosity got the best of you and you'd try to sneak a peek over my shoulder. 

We wanted to setup a photo shoot this afternoon so we could try and get Christmas cards sent out. You didn't cooperate too much, but in fleeting moments we caught a few good shots.

Like this one:

Notice the blanket covering Arlee, yes, it's meant to keep her warm, but we could barely keep you on the bed if it wasn't covering her boo boo. 

In a few days, the boo boo will be replaced with a button and all will be right with the world again. 


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