Monday, December 15, 2014

Today Ava Was An Only Child For One Last Day

Big changes are coming tomorrow. Your position in life is changing from that of an only child to the role of Big Sister!

I'm positive you don't understand yet and being how young you are you'll never recall what it was like to be an only child.

Hopefully this journal will help you understand what a ride it's been to this point so far.

Mom and I had hoped to make the day special for you, but I think in the end, it was another day of the same.Which is more our fault than yours. We have a lot of little things to get ready for the big day tomorrow.

To get yourself physically ready for the demands of big sisterhood you did a little Mouskersizing in the a.m.

And, you pooped on the potty today! That's monumental becuase it's been such a struggle to get you to do so. Peeing is no problem, it's dropping a deuce that scares you. You'll be in so much pain, hoping around the living room, obviously needing to go, but flat refusing to do so until the end of the day when you have a pullup or overnight diaper on. 

Mom and I have tried everything - bribery, force, privacy - nothing has worked. 

In obvious pain, mom sweetly asked you if you needed to go. You refused at first but eventually sat down and let it go. 

We have to be careful what we wish for because mom said once you went, you refused to get up for about 15 minutes, allowing for the smell to permeate through the entire house. 

With the pros come cons. 

Let's hope this clicked with you! 

You're reward? Suckers! 

As many suckers as you can fit in your mouth!

We're proud of you! 

Mom and I have to be at the hospital by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning so Grandma Fenner drove in to stay with you tonight through Wednesday. 

We'll probably be gone before you wake up tomorrow. Sleep tight kiddo, tomorrow your life changes forever. 

You're going to be a great Big Sister! 

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