Sunday, December 7, 2014

Today Ava Jumped In The Leaves

We had a lot to do today, groceries, get your trampoline out of the elements, clean out the car and the house among others.

Mom and I planned out meals for the week before I grabbed my keys and headed for the door.

"I go with you!" I heard as I looked down to see you with your arms outstretched.

Okay, kid, let's do this! You can be my shopping buddy.

Mom and I knew you were tired and she waned me it would be difficult, but I knew it would be even more so for her if I left you behind. We tried that once and it didn't go over so well.

We made it through Wamart and were on our way to Aldi when I looked in the mirror.

You'll be out in no time.

Hate to say it, but I told you so!

When we got home, I handed you off to mom so she could go lay you down and I grabbed the groceries. 

I came upstairs to see her holding you with your eyes open. How? You were sound asleep!

Mom said when she tried to put you down you woe up and asked "Where's daddy?" and wouldn't return to sleep. 

A twenty minute nap ... 

Within minute you were bouncing off the walls. 

We decided to go out and rake the leaves since sleep was out of the question. 


After a few jumps you were more than willing to help us bag the leaves.

It was getting you inside that was tough. You wanted to stay outside and play as long as possible.

It was lunch time so mom took you in and I got to work on cleaning out the blue car and putting baby sisters new seat in. 

P.S. - You're a messy eater!

Mom wants some color added to the deck. So let's do one more task for the day and get some Christmas lights put up. 

Always willing to help!

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