Friday, March 21, 2014

Today Ava Had a Rough Morning

Following a sleepless night thankfully the day got better as it continued. 

It started at around 2:15 a.m. when we heard you begin to whine in the monitor. To mom and I this means you're stomach is rumbling since you didn't eat anything for dinner and refused food again before going to bed. 

Tell me again how this is comfy?
A bottle of milk soothes you back to sleep so I headed for the kitchen as mom went to get you. 

"Oh my gosh, she puked!" I heard from the back room.

I dropped what I was doing and headed to your room, sure enough that stinky pile of nastiness is what woke you.

It was all over you hair and PJs. We felt terrible, but we had no choice other than to throw you into the tub. You like baths just as much as the next kid your age, but not at this hour!

I made it as quick as I possibly could while mom stripped your bed and tossed everything into the wash.

Once calmed back down, I laid with you in the recliner until you were asleep again. At around 4:00 a.m. we made our way back to our room so you could sleep comfortably. 

Nearly an hour later I woke up to the undeniable sound of puking. I flew out of bed to find whatever I could to catch it, but it was too late. 

Mom later commented that that's the fastest I've moved in a long time.

If you're ever in this situation with my grand kids, remember this and let me know how quickly you move when those sounds are right beside your ear. 

I rolled you over and held you so that you wouldn't sit in it and if anymore were to come up, it would just hit the already messed bed.

This time though, you didn't even wake up. I'm glad we had you in our room.

In went the second load of laundry for the night. 

You never ran a fever nor did you act out of the ordinary and there was no more occurances as the day went on. 

We're not sure of the cause, but we're glad you're not sick.

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