Saturday, September 6, 2014

Today Ava Danced The Night Away

This afternoon we celebrated the union of Zach and my cousin Katherine. Zach was all but legally a part of the family already. He and Katherine have been together for nine years. Honestly, it's hard to remember a time where they weren't with each other. 

The ceremony was held at Little Flower Church in North Canton. It got off to a rocky start for you as you quickly became restless and cries of "Let me down!" could be heard. luckily, you calmed down once the music picked up and the party began to walk down the aisle.

Fearful that you would storm the pulpit when I went to do my reading, we formulated a plan that we would sit with Aaron and my other cousins and when Aaron would go up to read first, you and mom would duck into the cry room. 

The plan worked to perfection. I little too much I think. Mom said when you got back to the cry room you didn't care one bit about me or the mass. They had books and toys back there. 

After my reading I made my way to the pew, grabbed your diaper bag and joined mom in the back. 

You were content the remainder of the ceremony other than wanting to see Aunt Beth. From the labor day get together at Aunt Beth's house to today you've turned a new leaf. When you were younger you wanted nothing to do with her. You'd cry if she even looked at you. Now, you seek her out. 

"Where's Aunt Beth?" you asked on multiple occasions during the wedding and through the receiving line; giving her a huge hug when you saw her. 

After the wedding we dropped mom off to see Karen at their open house while you and I went home to try and get you down for a nap. 

 I had one job ...

... and I failed miserably. 

Since a nap was out of the question we went back to the open house to pick up mom before heading to the reception. 

Since you held up your end of the bargain and were a good girl throughout the wedding (for the most part) we told you to let loose at the reception. No more worry about being quiet and still. 

Moments after walking in the door you made fast friends with a pair of little girls and that set the tone for the night. It makes mom and I happy to see you get along with other kids like this. 

Overall, you just had fun. And seeing you have fun is a joy for mom and me.

With no nap and all the fun you had, we thought for sure you'd crash as soon as we set you in your car seat. Close, but not quite. We had to go the long way home before you finally gave up and closed your eyes. 

Sleep tight!

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