Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today Ava Pushed the Cart

I can't begin to count how many times through the course of this journal that I've mentioned how hopeful you are. 

I can't wait to see how it continues when baby sister arrives. 

Mom dropped you off at the Hall of Fame as I was walking out the door so she could handle a few more showings. 

Since she won't be home until 7:30 or so I told her we'd take care of dinner. 

When we got home I looked up a new recipe while you gave McGee a huge hug. 

Yeah, that hug came on top of the dining room table.

Our choice of a high dining room table may come back to haunt us. 

You've learned how to scale the chairs to climb onto the table. 

Two problems with this:
1. You have learned to get up, but not down. 
2. The poor cats are running out of hiding places from you

You just love your kitties and like to let them know it sometimes. 

We got our recipe, said hi to the cats now it's time to go to the store.

You weren't so happy to go today. And I can't say that I blame you. We went to the store yesterday and now we're going again today. Sometimes I feel that everyday we come home from work and hurry out the door again for some reason or another. 

But, it was necessary tonight if we're going to eat dinner. Due to schedule issues we never made it to the grocery store this week and if we want to eat tonight we don't have a choice. 

After a brief conversation with Uncle Kris we were in the parking lot of Giant Eagle. I didn't want to go to WalMart again ... 

I tried to seat you in the cart, no go. I tried to put you in the grocery area of the cart, no dice. 

You begged to get down. Okay, I can do that. Problem is, when I set you down, you have to walk. You stood there and looked at me, stonefaced. 

Is this your silent protest for me bringing you out again? 

But, the urge to help was overwhelming and before I knew it you took the "wheel." 


We've got a little work to do with the steering, but otherwise you do pretty well. 

A few times you'd randomly stop pushing and stand still. Letting me know your displeasure. 

So, as any good dad would, I bribed you with some ice cream. I found a box of ice cream cones and asked you if you wanted some ice cream tonight. You eagerly took the box and said yes. 

I told you it was under one condition, you have to be good for the rest of the night. 

You promised and we shook on it. 

You held up your end of the deal but I didn't follow through on mine. It got to be too late in the evening and I have to work tomorrow so I didn't want to be up too late with a sugared up toddler. 

Maybe tomorrow you can get your reward.  

P.S. You drew the best smiley I've seen to date. 

Practice makes perfect. They just keep getting better!

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