Monday, September 2, 2013

Today Ava Got Sudsy

Today was a day I've been looking forward to since you were born. We could take you outside and let you play without our needing to be "helicopter parents."
What do I mean exactly? Well, we didn't need to hover over your every move to make sure you are safe. 

You're sturdy on your feet now and are able to do your own thing.

Mom was able to trim the backyard while I mowed the back hill and took out a pesky tree against the side of the house. 

Sure, we kept a watchful eye over you while we worked and took time to play with you as well. We practiced your golf swing with the plastic clubs and balls, mom helped you down the slide a few times, but we it wasn't necessary for us to hold your hand through everything. Your gaining some independence.

After the yard work was done, we moved to the front and washed the cars. Mom rinsed out your water table and we let you splash around on that for a while. 

Soon, you discovered the sudsy bucket of car wash and wanted nothing more than to play and wash up. You'd slap your hands in the soapy water then rub them together. Once you thought you were good and clean you ran over to mom who had the hose and held out your hands as if to ask her to rinse them off.

At one point you even grabbed the sponge and tried to eat it. It was the first time - and hopefully last - that you had your mouth washed out with soap! 

Unfortunately the weather began to turn and we weren't able to get my truck washed, but it was a great day outside nonetheless. 

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