Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today Ava Went To Work

The Pro Football Hall of Fame turned 50 today and as such held a Community Celebration Day with activities for kids, roundtable events with Hall of Famers and more. 

I had to go into work but in our quest to get you involved and outside as much as possible mom brought you down for the event. I'm not opposed to working on the weekends, but it's always more enjoyable when you and mom are able to be there too. 

If you overheated today, you can blame us. It's Saturday which means Buckeyes football and the weather report said a high of only about 70. We dressed you in your warm Buckeyes football uniform and quickly learned what a mistake that was as the sun came out and the temp read nearly 80. 

At 11:00 a.m. our outgoing President/Executive Director Steve Perry gave a welcome to the crowd in which you and mom were in attendance and following the event I was able to catch up with you two for a minute. Mom was talking with an acquittance of ours and I watched you as you ran around the parking lot. 

When you're able to run around openly we refer to you as a "free range baby." 

I had set my camera equipment down and it quickly caught your attention. Are you looking for a career as a videographer?

I had to go back in and work but mom continued on with the activities taking you on a train ride around the parking lot and grounds, playing on the inflatables, seeing some of the mascots on hand, and grabbing a bite to eat. 

I was able to make it back outside as mom was finishing lunch. We let her eat while we ran on the FieldTurf and totally dissed the Cleveland Cavaliers mascot Sir CC. He crouched down to say hello and in a humorous moment you sidestepped him to go have a chat with the Stark Parks mascot who was dressed as a frog. 


And what a conversation you had! He (and I) had no idea what you were saying but you sure chatted him up.

You eventually warmed up to Sir CC and later posed for a photo.

You were getting overheated so we took you inside for a minute and to see Jenna and then mom took you home for the day. She sent me a text of you in your car seat in just a diaper and passed out. 

I think you enjoyed your day!

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