Saturday, September 14, 2013

Today Ava Was Good And Bad

Mom and I are by no means perfect parents. We'll be the first to admit it. Everyday may be a learning experience for you, and it for us as well.

We see where we are going right and things that we need to work with you on. Today was no exception. 

It got off to a great start, you and I went to breakfast with Grandpa Waechter and Keith. You were well-behaved and even showed them how you play peek-a-boo.

You were patient when I drove around on the way home seeking FSBOs for mom to contact later (we found four). Then napped for nearly 2.5 hours before helping mom and I clean the windows. 

After the windows were clear again mom scrubbed the basement carpets (Cookie has been having some stomach issues lately). The noise from the machine scared you a bit so you and I went outside to take down the hammock. 

To keep you occupied I brought out your plastic golf club set. We hit a few balls then you proceeded to hit a few on your own.. 

In what I consider a genius parenting move I used the bed of the truck as your play yard while I stored the hammock pieces in the garage. Why am I patting myself on the back for this? Well, I didn't want to leave you unsupervised in the front yard or in the driveway where you could go rolling down to the street. Then, suddenly the light bulb turned on ... the bed of the truck. The sides and tailgate are high enough that you can't get out and it's big enough for you to run around in. I handed you two plastic golf balls and you were content to watch me put the hammock parts away. See, pretty inginuitive (yes, I think that's a word) if I do say so myself. 

Once the carpets were cleaned and the hammock put away, we all got cleaned up and headed to the Davis' for your friend Hadley's first birthday party. 

All was going well, the dogs got your curiosity for a bit, you ran around in their backyard and played with Corbin's toy mower. 

Soon, though, as Hadley began to open her gifts things went South. You showed mom and I what we need to work on as parents. Right now, I think it's just part of your youth and non-understanding of manners yet ... but we'll certainly work on this. This isn't how we were raised and isn't how you'll be raised. So what did you do exactly?

One of the gifts Hadley received was the same learning chair you have. You went up to it as Hadley was checking it out and shoved her out of the way. Yes, you literally shoved her out of your way so you could play with it. 

Needless to say, mom and I were thoroughly embarrassed and mom immediately took you away and had a little talk.

Mom is going to inquire with Marissa to see you're behaving this way at her house during the day. We sure hope this was an isolated incident. 

We'll do our best to ramp up parenting skills to make sure this was a one time deal.

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