Friday, September 27, 2013

Today Ava Really Tugged At My Heartstrings

I normally wait until the end of the day to gather my thoughts and pick out a moment to share with you.

Don't leave me, Dad!
I'm not sure anything can trump what happened this morning so I'm going out on a limb and putting memory to "paper" on my lunch hour. 

Geeze kid, you really know how to tug at my heartstrings. It took every ounce of will power to not throw in the towel on work and take a vacation day! 

Staying home today wasn't possible but I insisted that I would next week. Make sure you hold me to my promise! We'll have an old fashioned Daddy-Daughter

Just like I do nearly every morning I excitedly ran to your crib-side at the first inkling of movement. As is our morning routine you sat up, tried to hand me your blanket then stretched your arms towards me to pick you up.

Stay home with me!
Using my shoulder, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and out to greet the day we went.

As mom and I readied for work and got you dressed you became somewhat clingy with me if I tried to set you down. Initially I chalked it up to still being sleepy.

That was just a precursor of what was to come.

We all migrated to the kitchen as it was nearing time for me to head out the door. I attempted to hand you to mom when you quickly whipped around and wrapped your arms around me.

I gave you a squeeze then tried to set you down on the floor. Crying, you reached around my leg and looked up at me.

I have a hard enough time leaving you for work when you're happy, let alone when I look down at those watery eyes and pouting face. 

It took some convincing from mom but she was finaly able to coax you to the front door so you could wave from the deck as I backed down the driveway. 

I've been re-living this moment in the kitchen since I arrived at work. Can't wait to be home and see you're cheeky grin!

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