Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today Ava Showed Fear

Tonight was the first time I've truly seen you scared. 

We were playing in the basement tonight when mom had the idea to let you try your hand at the Wii. The system has been sitting dormant under the basement TV for nearly two years. Needless to say, it's been a while since we played it.

It didn't grasp your attention like we had hoped and soon you were back to letting your horses down the ramp. 

Rather than turn off the machine, mom and I attempted to play for old times sake (Just so you know, I won the first race). 

Soon you were back in front of the TV stand and pressing buttons on the Wii remote sensor and making your way towards a Big Mouth Billy Bass that sing "Give me back that Filet 'O Fish, give me that fish!" It's a prop from an old McDonald's commercial.

I'm sure you're wondering why on Earth do we have that? 

Let me give you the back story - your Uncle Joe is known for sending crazy things randomly. This is one of those items. I came home from work one day to find a package at the door. I wasn't expecting anything and seeing the return address you can't help but laugh. No warning, it just showed up. That's Uncle Joe.

I opened the contents to find the fake mounted fish. I called him right away and as soon as I opened my mouth he started laughing and told me that he couldn't resist sending it because he knew how much that terrible song got under my skin. 

How could I throw it away after that? I vowed to someday send it back, and after tonight I just might. 

You kept getting closer and closer to the fish and like you see in cartoons with the "Do not pull!" string, you went straight for the button on the plaque. 

I've never heard - nor do I hope to hear again - a scream like that. Before I knew it you were crying in your moms arms. You didn't expect the fish to move and for the first time in your short life, you showed a little fear. 

We tried to take you back to the fish to show that it was okay, but you wanted nothing to do with it.

I want you to be "fearless" as you grow up but trust me, there are certain things it's okay to be afraid of and it's fine if you show it.

Since I just shared a not-so-pleasant moment with you, let's watch a little video just to get an idea of how busy you really are:

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