Saturday, October 19, 2013

Today Ava Was A Flower Girl

"Dad, she needs you." 

"Dad, she needs you." 

There are a lot of fathers at the ceremony this afternoon so it took the second time for me to realize that Father Bishop was talking to me. 

Pre-ceremony cheesin!
From my crouched position at the front of the Church I was too fixated on seeing you come towards me to realize that you and Olivia had stopped merely a few steps into your walk down the aisle. 

I snapped back to reality and went a few aisles down. With arms outstretched I said "Come here, come see me." 

I made my way to you and Olivia, who was holding your hand said "We can't move yet." 

She was merely following instructions she was given earlier. 

You took my hand and began to walk down the aisle. I let go after a few steps ad it isn't my moment in the spotlight. That'll come later in the ceremony as I've been tasked with reading the Prayers of the Faithful. 

You began to race down the aisle with one pit stop at a random pew to say hello.

You made it all the way, dropped a few flowers from your basket at the front of the Church and we made our way to our seat. 

You did great!
This would have been a great time for me
to put the camera down and hep mom.

You were pretty busy throughout the ceremony, which we anticipated. 

At the completion of the mass you took Joe's hand and walked down the aisle as part of the recessional. It was humerus because you looked back at Father Bishop, raised your other hand and brought him a few steps down the aisle with you. 

I hope the photographer captured some good moments here!

With a few hours before the reception we went home so you could nap and rest up for some dancing!

The reception got off to a rocky start for you. You were antsy sitting at our table and didn't want to sit still. We couldn't get you to eat so mom and I took turns walking with you to try and calm you down. 

Cue the music.

Once you heard a beat, there was no stopping you! You danced the night away, especially when "Blurred Lines" hit your ears. 

Many new friends were made this weekend, both your size and adults.

It was a great celebration and you performed wonderfully!

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