Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today Ava Went To Her First Cleveland Cavaliers Game

Through an acquaintance of mine I acquired four seats to tonight's Cleveland Cavs game against the Charlotte Bobcats

Don't worry, no need to put you in the car and drive all the way to Cleveland. They played right here in Canton at the Civic Center.

This is the second year for the team to come to town and the first time we've been able to go and our seats were excellent! Second row from the floor in one of the corners right where the team comes out of the locker room. 

We arrived just at the conclusion of a small fan fest and as Jason and I went to will call to get our tickets you, mom and Sara stayed outside. Mom was able to snap a photo of you with the Cavs floor announcer, Ahmad, before coming in to find us.  

Mom and I half-seriously considered hiring him to be our wedding announcer. We still think it would have been awesome. 

As we made out way to our seats we jokingly asked out loud if Michael Jordan would be in attendance since he's a part owner. He wasn't, but another legend - Patrick Ewing - was. Ewing is an assistant head coach for the Bobcats.

If you don't Google them first, ask mom who they are.  

Once we were seated you studied the Cavs roster card so you knew who to watch.
We both had concerns about how long we could keep you content in the seats. You have a penchant for not wanting to sit still for long. It's just the age our at, wanting to be up and constantly getting your hands into everything. 

Just take a look at our house this morning... it's a never ending cycle of picking up after you (for now, someday you'll be grounded if you don't pick up after yourself).

Five times I tried to put this blanket away.
Five times I failed.

The sounds and commotion of your first major sporting event held your attention for a bit. You took an interest in the game at times.

But, it didn't take long for you to become bored in the seats and want to be out and about. A few times your attention was diverted by Moon Dog, the Cavs mascot. But ultimately by the fourth quarter it was mom and I taking turns getting out of the seats and walking around with you. 

In the end, I think you enjoyed it, at east you better have because by the time you reading this, we'll have been at numerous Cavs games. This is the first of many.

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