Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today Ava Sported New Shades

When you were very little (I'm talking just a few days old) we bought you a pair of white "baby shades" from Target. Since you didn't have control of your extremities yet, you had no choice but to wear them.

I loved your sunglasses and would put them on your little nugget whenever possible.

As you can see, they were just a smidge too big.
In a few short months, they fit like a glove ...
Much to my disappointment, as you got older and knew what your arms - more importantly your hands and fingers - were capable of, you would discard the stylish eye wear at every opportunity. 

Fast forward to yesterday ... just for fun mom put a pair of sunglasses on you. Instantly you were beaming with happiness. 

Where is my daughter and what did you do with her? 

Your mouth was wide open with one of the greatest smiles I have ever witnessed.

Seeing you this happy is all too contagious. Any care in the world or weight on my shoulders instantly lifted for a few moments.

Tonight we had to make a run to "Targy Targs" and on the way out, mom shot me the puppy-dog eyes and said "We don't have to go to Carter's ..." For your mom the two are like shoes, you can't have one without the other.

So how could I say no and feel good about myself? 

She began picking through the sale items and you and I made our way to the center of the store where they have a table with toys for kids. We were playing with the building blocks when mom called to us "Come here, I've got a surprise, pick out two pairs." 

I scooped you up and much to my delight she was standing by a bin of sunglasses on clearance. We tried a pair or two on you and that same smile made it's return. 

We made our selections and it was back to the car. 

I'm excited that you've regained an interest in sunglasses, now if I could just get you to come around to hats again ...

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