Sunday, October 27, 2013

Today Ava Went To Boo At The Zoo

It was the last night for the Akron Zoo's annual "Boo at the Zoo" event. The weather was cooperating so we decided to take you up and have some fun. 

We layered you up in a long-sleeve onesie, leggings, and a pair of yoga pants topped off with your Minnie Mouse costume. Bulky, but warm. 

We passed the penguins and the condor exhibit before you lifted your head from mom's shoulder and woke up. After a look of confusion you began to come alive as you realized where we were. 

Our intent wasn't so much to get candy that you probably can't eat but rather to let you see the animals and interact with kids your own size.

To get out of the house, really.

The Zoo had twelve candy stations setup throughout the park and you enjoyed handing the attendants your card to mark off the stations and receive your treats. Surprisingly, it was mostly Little Debbie's snack cakes that you could enjoy. And you did. You ate a chocolate chip cookie pie as we made our way through the park. 

You haven't been eating much the last few days so even though it wasn't healthy, we were happy you got some calories in you.

Mom and I joked at how disappointed we were that you ate the whole thing. Secretly we hoped you'd only eat a few bites so we could have the rest. 

You insisted on holding each treat in your hands until you got to the next station. At one point mom and I put mittens on you and you had one heck of a time holding on to a pack of fruit snacks.

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