Friday, May 16, 2014

Today Ava And Dad Went To The Zoo

I may sound selfish with this post, but I'd been looking forward to today for a few weeks now. 

It's rare that just you and I get to hang out. It's not that we don't like being together a complete family, but I thought it would be fun to just be you and I today. 

Mom had to take care of day two of her post-licensure class and Marissa had appointments so she wasn't able to watch the kids today. That meant three day weekend for me. 

I decided we'd spend the day at the Akron Zoo. 

I wanted to avoid taking too many things into the park so before we left I waited for a dirty diaper and as soon as you were changed, we hit the road. 

You got up early this morning (6:30 a.m.) and I knew you'd be tired on the drive but I didn't expect you to fall asleep before we got to Portage. 

But, that worked out for the better. Gave you a good half an hour nap before we arrived at the park. 

It was a chilly day with a high of only 59 and when I tried to slip your coat on I woke you up. 

Sitting there on the edge of the seat of the truck as I put your other sleeve on and zipped you up you looked at me with tire eyes and asked "See animals?"

Yes! We're at the zoo and about to go see animals! As many times as I asked you over the past few days where we were going without a response that showed me you were indeed listening to me. 

We walked in as you told me the color of every vehicle in the lot.

"Blue car."

"Black truck" and so on. 

Finally, in the park we go. 

Unlike our last trip to the zoo where we only had an hour, the day was ours to waste.I let you spend as much time as you wanted at each exhibit. Though admittedly, if I didn't hurry you along a few times we'd still be looking at the penguins. 

We wound our way through the exhibits until we got to the carousel, a personal favorite for you. We paid for our token to ride and stood in line. 

You pointed out a big dog that you wanted to sit on but by the time we got to it a little boy had already claimed it. Then i saw it. "Ava, do you want to ride the penguin?" 


 A few photos were necessary before the ride got going. You look so stoic in the starting gate ...

... but once that ride got moving, a smile was seen and "weee!" could be heard. 

The ride was too short for your liking and when it came to a stop I had to pry your hands from the bar and carry you away as you cried for more. 

It was time to get out of the cold and warm up in the aquarium and see the fish. 

We looked at all the fish and sea creatures, even going against the grain as you pointed back and asked to see "more fish." 

This would be a good spot in a TV show for a commercial break or intermission at a play, but not with you! 

What's so noteworthy about lunch you might be wondering as you read along? You ate. That's what's noteworthy! 

Half a hotdog and an entire chicken tender to be exact. I couldn't have been happier! 

Substance in your belly!

We made a pit stop at the little burrowing owls. I had to laugh to myself because this is your second-favorite exhibit aside from the Penguins and you "Hoo'd" at the owls until a larger group came to look at them and we made room for them.

As we walked away lunch was giving you an extra burst of energy and you started to want down and walk on your own. 

We made our way up to to goats and sheep, paid for a couple crackers and let you feed them. 

With the burst of energy you became less interested in the animals and more interested in running around. That's okay, it's your day and you can do as you see fit. 

A quick rest on the bench ...

... then off to see the Eagles. 

You enjoyed seeing the "big bird" but I promised you one more surprise. Around the corner would be pink birds!

And you had one more surprise for me ... pointing to them you looked at me and said "pink ducks!" 

I wanted to correct you, but thought better of it this time, it was too cute. 

We walked through the gift shop before leaving when you spotted a new must-have. 

Walking up to it you said "purple penguin! Awww cute." as you hopped in place. 

Label me a sucker but "Penny" the purple penguin is now a part of your collection.

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