Sunday, May 18, 2014

Today Ava Was A Daredevil

The day didn't get off to the start I had hoped for, you see, I broke my favorite coffee mug. 

What's the big deal? It's just a coffee mug, right? 


I received this mug the night before high school graduation and have used it almost every day since - for nearly 15 years. 

Coffee just doesn't taste as good in any other mug. 

Rant over, now to the real point of today's entry. 

Due to yesterday's rain I had to mow the lawn first thing this morning because mom needed to work this afternoon - a few showings for Tim and Julie and some paperwork needed signed by Brittney and Roy. 

I regretted not mowing the hill last week as the grass was now ankle high and tough to mow becaue it was still wet from yesterday's showers. 

I got to the top of the hill and looked down to see you and mom watching me. I stopped for a second to wave and mom told me you were in a hurry to get dressed so you could come out and watch. 

I better curb the four-letter words now that I have an audience. 

Since it was a beautiful morning once I was done with the hill and the remainder of the yard mom began to take out the overgrown rose bush on the North side of the house. 

She also got your bubbles out so you could play while we worked only for you to spill the entire bottle on the driveway. Next up was your bubble gun - a lot less spill proof. 

Once we got most of the bush trimmed back it was back in the house so we all could get cleaned up. 

Mom left and shortly after we decided to head over to Price Park to see the ducks. 

Mom prophetically said to me when she walked out the door "she'll probably fall asleep on the way." 


Even rock stars need their Zs. 

So, we turned around and I was able to successfully transfer you to your crib without you waking. 

It was just a short nap today - about an hour later I heard "Daddy!" come from your room. 

I guess cleaning the office can wait. 

So, once you shook the sleep from your eyes we attempted another trip to the park. This time I opted for Schneider Park, it's a little closer and you like the equipment - okay you like the swings - there.

I was really surprised when you pointed out the "green slide" as we walked from the parking lot to the playground. 

"Do you want to slide?" 

"Okay, slide" you responded. 

You've been skeptical of the slides for some time now and have avoided them. Could we have a change of heart? 

We sure did! 

It wasn't overly hot - mid-60s this afternoon - but with just a few clouds in the sky the sun began to bake the plastic slide a bit. 

"Daddy, too hot" you told me as you gripped the side of the slide preparing to propel yourself forward. 

"It's not hot" I replied.

"Okay, warm" you compromised as you slid to the bottom. 

After a few trips down this slide you moved on to a shorter, tandem slide with a good-sized step up. 

The step caught your attention more than the slide and this is what ensued:

Yes, that's a little toot you hear just before leaping. It ultimately lead to our departure from the park. 

You have no fear, missing a landing and falling on your butt was met with "I'm okay" and getting right back up and doing it again. 

Soon I caught a whiff of something foul and we had to make our exit from the park. 

Not to worry, though, the hijinks continued at the house. 

How many broken bones lie ahead with our future X-Gamer? Seriously, no fear.

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