Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Today Ava Was Too Much

Just too much from today to single out one memory. 

First, there was this photo sent from mom that let me know you were going outside. 

At first I thought she got your pool out and filled it up. But, she later proved me wrong by sending this:

I had all but forgotten about your water table. 

Mom said you enjoyed splashing the water and cooling off in the heat. It was warm out and with zero breeze it felt like a sauna I'm sure.

Mom eventually coaxed you back into the house but you had a better plans. 

You walked over to her and stated "McGee outside!" 

She let you know that in a moment she would let McGee out onto the porch for you. "No, McGee outside" you responded while turning and pointing to the door. While mom looked down for two seconds to fire off a quick text to me you had let McGee on the porch. 

A moment later she was again responding to me only to look up and see this:

Our own little escape artist. I need to fix the lock ...

Mom joined you outside only for you to run back in, grab your blankets and let yourself back out. 

Where better to lay down for a few Zs? 

In an effort to make me look like a hillbilly, the neighbor mowed his yard for probably the third time in just over a week. You love the role of supervisor, making sure his lines were straight. 

Supervising is hard work and really zaps the energy as evidenced by the fact that I came home from work about 45 minutes late tonight and you were passed out in our bed. 

We slowly tried to wake you as Mom had promised a trip to the park when I got home. It was a very slow process today. With you falling in and out of sleep I asked if you wanted to go to the park. I was greeted with tiny whispers of "okay."

After a bit of time we got there. 

Straight to the swings. 

Where we stayed for nearly a half hour. 

With some persuasion we went down to the pond to search for your turtle. We never found him, but we did toss some rocks!

We left the park when the sun began to sink. and it was back home for some "nakey Ava" time before jammies.

One of your favorite pastimes is to "feed" McGee. I know in your heart you mean well, but gosh is it hilarious to watch. 

When we feed the cats, you'll take McGee's dish and move it all around the house. He barely gets to take a bite before you pick it up and move it again. 

I recorded a bit of the scenario this evening:

After tormenting McGee it was time to make some music!

Once we got your Minnie Jammies on and some strawberries in your hand, you disappeared into the kitchen for a few minutes. I feared you might be pulling out all of the pots and pans again. Upon inspection, you were merely expending some energy by jumping in circles.

And somehwere in all of this you found time to take a marker to most of your stuffed animals. Curiously enough, you went straight for the eyes.

I'm not sure how you're still standing! Even thinking about your day has me exhausted! 

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