Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Today Ava Was The Grocery Getter

No, that isn't a comparison to a station wagon. Which, you might wonder what the heck a station wagon is after reading that sentence, well, they were effectionaly called the "grocery getter" because they had plenty of space in the back for all of the families groceries. 

The station wagon was doomed with the advent of the mini van and the SUV. 

Anyhoo, we missed our weekly Sunday trip to Aldi due to the Memorial Day weekend and didn't make it yesterday because we test drove your blue car.

So tonight it was off to the grocery store to pick up a few staples until we get back on track this weekend. 

You were content for a little while but soon wanted out of the cart to help load up groceries. 

We'd walk down the aisles and hand you something to toss in the cart. You would excitedly lift the item over your head and toss it in. You love feeling like such a big helper and we enjoy making you feel that way!

I did have to scold you a little bit as you became distracted by the wall of freezers. There's a little ledge that you'd stand on and grab the handles and press yourself up against the doors.

I gave you a few chances to get down and follow us but my requests fell on deaf ears. So, I had to sternly tell you to get down. When you still didn't listen I picked you up. which you were none too happy about. 

It's not that you were dong something dangerous, but we just need to make sure you know when it's appropriate to climb on things. I know you love to climb and be adventurous, unfortunately the grocery store isn't the place.

Knowing that we had to "pay first" before enjoying our fare, as always do, you got a kick out of placing our items on the belt at the checkout. 

One-by-one you'd toss what we handed you onto the belt. 

With items purchased, it was on to your favorite part of grocery shopping - bagging! 

At Aldi, you bring your own boxes or bags and have to load your own groceries after paying. It's one way in which they keep their costs down. 

You don't mind at all! Once through the checkout you take your cart to the back wall where there's a shelf the length of the store and you bag your own items. 

Mom lifts you up onto the shelf and you get so excited. As we pull items out of the cart and sort them you pick them up and put them in the bag. 

You'd grab an item within reach - cheese, boxed stuff, fruit - it didn't matter what it was as long as you could lift it up, then say  "Here mommy" and place it in a bag mom had waiting for you.

"Thank you, Ava" mom would reply and inevitably a quiet "You're welcome, mom-o" would come from your mouth. 

 I could pack groceries all day if I got to listen to the exchange the entire time. 

It looks like we'll be eating flat bread sandwiches for the remainder of the week.

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