Thursday, July 10, 2014

Today Ava Earned More Stars

Today is all about the potty and where we stand - well sit, actually - on the training. 

No accidents at Marissa's today but no success on the potty there either. 

We tried to get you to go before I left for work but it was impossible for me to get you to sit. As soon as you knew we were headed towards the bathroom you began to cry and bear hug me. 

I tried to reason with you but it didn't work. As I tried to sit you down on your Minnie Mouse seat you extended your legs in such a way that I couldn't get you seated and you had a death grip on my neck. 

Mom said she would try again in a few minutes after I left for work. Maybe she'll have better luck I wondered?

Eventually she did text me and told me she had success and I saw another star on your potty chart. That's three over two days!  

In our conversation mom said she noticed that you crossed your legs and began to dance a little so she picked you up and ran to the bathroom. Within seconds you were going. 

That's leading me to believe that you're beginning to recognize the feeling. That's the first step. Now, if we could just get you to tell us you need to go so we can help you to the potty I think we'll be rolling. 

We're making progress! 

I came home from work today to find mom sitting in the bathroom while you were on the toilet playing an alphabet game on the iPad. You wouldn't even look up to say hi. I had to knock on the open door to even get you to glance up. 

I asked mom how long she'd been sitting there and she said "a little over 30 minutes." 

I changed into my softball uniform and relieved her. About another twenty minutes later and you finally wanted down. Nearly an hour on the toilet and no luck. 

Not long after getting down mom saw you leaning against the coffee table and crossing your legs. She commented to me that this is what she did this morning before going. 

I went to grab something out of the kitchen and before I knew it mom had whisked you into the bathroom. 

I got there just in time to hear the tell tale sign of you going. 

I'm sure this is embarrassing for you to read, but you'll be in our shoes someday and know exactly what we're going through. Let's just hope your kids aren't as stubborn as ours. :)

We showered you with praise and went through the routine of placing the star on the chart and flushing the toilet. 

Progress! Here's to a successful tomorrow!

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