Saturday, July 12, 2014

Today Ava Was Money In The Bank (and used the potty)

It seems as though the values we're teaching you are beginning to take hold. 

In some regards Mom and I could be described as frugal when it comes to money and it looks like the value of the dollar is something you've taken to heart. 

Keith was holding you while he stood at the counter to pay for his breakfast. When he pulled his wallet out you reached in and snagged a dollar bill. He later texted me and said he was thankful you didn't spot the 20 he had in there. 

On our drive home you kept examining the bill and told me that we need to put it in your "piggy." 

Your piggy is the green porcelain piggy bank that your great grandma and grandpa Kempf gifted to you when you were born. 

It's been sitting on the shelf in your room collecting loose change and bills ever since. Any time I get a dollar bill with an "A" stamped on it, I place it in the bank or if someone offers you loose change  - or you steal a dollar - it goes in there. 

It's not like we point the bank out to you. I usually just slip dollar bills in when I have a spare one without any fan fare and I couldn't tell you the last time the bank was off of it's perch on the shelf. 

Being porcelain we don't let you play with it. It's a keepsake. 

So when you were in the car and asked to put your money in the piggy bank I was a little dumbfounded. But hey, who am I to argue if you want to save your cash?

A little later mom and I were getting ready, I had to work and she was taking you to Shelby for "Bicycle Days" which is a local festival complete with a parade, rides, and fireworks at night. 

From the photos Aunt Holly sent me, it looked like you were having a blast! 

But, it was all down hill from there ... 

This was the description I got (keep in mind it was 25 minutes of a tantrum). 

Now that you've read that, hug your mom and apologize. 

The day wasn't all bad though. What I was starting to describe before getting off course was how proud we are of you. 

As we were getting ready, I stepped out to water the garden while mom dried her hair and you watched Little Einsteins and ate a bowl of cereal. 

I came back in to mom's excitement and telling me to hurry. I was too late, but what she described to me was great to hear! 

Your little potty was sitting in front of the couch and she told me you suddenly stopped eating, turned around and walked over to he potty and sat down. She said you never made a peep to her, this was all on your own. 

We're so proud!  You're getting it!!! 

Who cares that it's 9:30 or so in the morning, when you go, you get chocolate (it's our bribe).

We think it's clicking with you and we could be well on our way to a diaper-less toddler soon! 

Keep it up kiddo, we're so proud of you!

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