Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Today Ava Let McGee In

You caught a glimpse of McGee peeking in through the window of the front storm door and excitedly slid from the couch where we were sitting. 

As you ran towards the door my first thought was "don't go out on the deck." But before I could verbalize my thoughts I heard "McGee outside. I get him." 

I was still unsure if that meant you were going to go outside and smother him or if you were going to let him in. 

I stayed put on the couch just observing, ready to spring into action should you go outside without me. With one arm on the door frame for support and your legs far enough back for the cat to come in between you and the door you pushed the door open with your right hand. 

You held the door open and waited patiently for him to make his decision. He took liked your generosity and came in. 

When mom came home from her showings I shared this picture with her and she commented that it was you that let him out. I like the responsibility you're showing. A hermit crab may be in your future. 

A few side notes worthy of mentioning: 

1. I don't know why "white dippy do," or, more commonly known as ranch dressing, does this to your face ... 

It doesn't seem to bother you other than leave this Joker-looking rash on your face for a few minutes. And as soon as I pulled my phone out to get an image of the after-effects you began to giggle and say "Cheese!" 

2. Potty training update. 

You gave mom quite the fit today with five or six accidents on the carpet but there was some success.  She said after 30 minutes or so of you sitting on the potty that you wanted down and right away noticed a look on your face that said you needed to go. She put you back on the potty and seconds later you earned your first star on your potty chart!

When I got home from work and mom left for her showing you had just woken up from your nap and we all know how long it takes you to wake up. I tried to get you on the potty a few times without success. You begged to play downstairs and I finally gave in. We were sitting on the floor playing with your horse toy and all was going great until I turned my head for three seconds to catch a SportsCenter update.

Suddenly I hear "cat puke" come out of your mouth. In a panic I turned around to see a large pile of what certainly wasn't cat puke on the floor. No warning. Suddenly you went. 

Play time downstairs was over in the blink of an eye ... 

We cleaned up the mess and cleaned you up and it was back upstairs. 

You can't have peaks without valleys and before the night was through we reached the peak again. 

Before getting you ready for bed we tried one last time to get you to go on the potty. 

Sitting there laying games on your iPad I suddenly heard you going. It never phased you. Not once did you look up from your games. 

Like mom did with you this afternoon I instantly began to shower you with praise and took the iPad so you could get a sticker. 

You just begged to have the iPad back which just showed us that you might not be ready yet to be potty trained, but like Grandpa Bernie taught your uncles and me when we were little - when you start something, you finish it. So by golly, we're going to get this! 

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