Friday, July 18, 2014

Today Ava Saw Balloons

Like I eluded to yesterday, I was out the door before the sun came up.

I actually caught the sun coming up from the roof of the Hall of Fame. 

But, it was when the sun went down that we were able to see some of your favorite things ... balloons! 

Hot air balloons to be exact. 

Tonight was the launch of the Jackson/Belden Food Fest and Balloon Classic. Each year numerous hot air balloons fill the skies of Canton to "kick off" the Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival. On the first evening they partake in what is known as the "night glow" where the balloons are inflated and when it's dark the pilots light them up with their burners. 

We went last year and you had fun, but were a little too young to understand. Being a little older this year we thought you'd really enjoy it. 

We must have timed it right as it's always crowded but this year we found a close parking spot thanks to people leaving early. 

Dozens of food vendors line the campus of Kent Stark and first things first, we grabbed some grub. I was surprised when you willingly ate the meat from my philly sandwich and asked for more. If you're willing to eat, I'll gladly let you have as much as you want. 

We met up with Roy and your friend Keelie whim you ran in circles with while the adults chatted. Soon we were making our way through the masses to find a spot to watch the glow. 

You loved seeing "Annie's balloons" - likening all of the hot air balloons to an episode of Little Einsteins in which Annie sings "I love balloons, I love I love, balloons." 

You also took a liking to the "Skully" balloon - a giant peg-legged parrot dressed as a pirate. Skully is the parrot on the cartoon Jake and The Neverland Pirates. 

It was a fun evening and I'm glad we were able to do something as a family tonight. The next couple of weeks are going to be long. Be easy on your mom for me!

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