Sunday, July 13, 2014

Today Ava Was Outlined

"Play chalk?" I was asked as we pulled in the garage following dinner with Keith and his mom this evening. 

"Not until we go upstairs and you go potty" which was met by moans and a few fake tears. 

When you and mom got home from Shelby this afternoon you were fast asleep in the car and remained passed out until we went to dinner, barely waking up in between and your head was on my shoulder for the entire meal. 

So, needless to say, I had no idea when the last time was that you went potty or were changed. Your pull-up felt dry so upstairs we went. 

I set you on the potty and you earned another star right away. You went, and went, and went. Which tells me you had been holding it for a while. 

It must be clicking for you. 

I'll spare you the details but a few seconds after putting your star on your chart I saw "the face."  Mom knows what I'm talking about. 

I scooped you up and hustled to the bathroom where you earned two more stars! 

We can now play outside! 

Today was the World Cup final (Germany defeated Argentina if you were wondering) so we took your Minnie ball outside to kick it around for a few minutes. 

We've never explained the boundaries of our yard to you that I can recall but strangely enough if you kicked the ball into our neighbors yard, you stopped at the grass line and wouldn't go over to pick it up. You asked me to. 

Soon enough you were done with the ball and remembered the chalk from earlier. 

We made our way down front and you made some scribbles on the sidewalk, demanded some smiley's from me, then wanted bigger smileys. 

Standing on the driveway you held out a piece of white chalk in my direction and demanded a bigger smiley. 

I drew a small one and as you sat there I got another idea. 

I asked you to lay back and began to trace your outline on the driveway. 

You giggled and laid down again and asked for another one. 

When that one was done, same results. 

I've created a monster, but we had fun! I had to cut you off after three or our driveway would be peppered in chalk outlines and the neighbors might begin to wonder ... 

Mom saw the outlines in the driveway when she got home from her appointments and laughed about them with me.

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