Friday, July 11, 2014

Today Ava Wanted Bigger "Miley's"

I met you and mom in the parking lot of the Hall of Fame just before quitting time so she coud make her listing appointment. 

I needed to get a little work done so we stuck around for about another hour before calling it a day at the office. 

We were going to run to Walmart to pick up a few odds and ends that we needed at home- most importantly contact solution -  until you told me "time to eat." 

I asked if you wanted a sandwich and fries (I was thinking Arby's since it's in WalMarts parking lot) but you ere adamant about "chicken nuggets, white dippy do). So, we detoured to the house first..

When we got home there was a little portable potty sitting against the wall of the living room. Mom had mentioned that Marissa was going to let her borrow one. 

You must have thought Mickey had been holding it all day because as soon as we got in the door you put Mickey on the potty and told him to go! 

When "dinner" was ready we sat down to eat. I had a feeling I knew what was coming, and my hunch was spot on - you took one bite of a nugget then went hands-first into the ranch dressing. 

Lately you've been begging for them and not eating them. 

Proof that you're my girl (as if you needed more): while at Walmart I gave you the choice of a Minnie Mouse toy or a die-cast airplane toy. You chose the latter. I'm so proud! 

We finished out run and took "big jet" home so we could work on more potty training. 

Again, you had other ideas. You insisted on playing with your chalk out front. It's a clear cool evening so why not? 

The chalk was already out and fresh "miley's" were on the concrete which told me you and mom were already here once today. Who needs Sherlock? I got this. 

You asked me to draw a "daddy miley" so I did, then an "mommy miley" followed by an "Ava miley." When my artistry was complete you asked for "bigger miley." 

Well alright. We moved to a clear part of the pavement and drew the biggest smiley I could. 

But that wasn't large enough for you. You insisted on a bigger one. 

I asked you to grab a few sticks of chalk and we walked over to the driveway where I drew the absolute biggest smiley I possibly could.

You giggled with excitement. 

It wasn't the prettiest smiley by any stretch, but you liked you so that's all that matters.

Since we've already tagged the driveway with your signature graffiti I decided we should leave a message for mom to see when she pulls in. 

You called out all of the letters as I wrote. And with that, our masterpiece was complete!

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