Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today Ava Popped Bubbles

Pulling in the driveway after an 11.5 hour day at work I was happy to see you and mom at the top playing with bubbles. 

I wasn't the only one excited. When you saw the car pulling up I smiled and waved as you hopped around with excitement. 

Mommy's dinner date at CiCi's!
I set my stuff down after getting out of the car and made my way to where you and mom were playing. She was blowing bubbles from a large wand and you were giddy as you popped them, saying "I got it!" over and over as you ran to each bubble.

Mom told you to give me a quick hug and you listened, a little too well. I scooped you up just long enough for you to throw your arms around my neck before wiggling your way down. 

It was a quick hug. Back to bubbles. 

I took over for mom who said you had been outside playing with the bubbles for the better part of a half an hour. It was already nearing 8 when I pulled in. 

We played outside for another ten minutes or so before heading in so I could find something to eat and mom can relax. 

Mom and I chatted about our text conversation morning. You see, she was feeding me messages about your potty progress after I left for work. Apparently I missed some pretty entertaining stuff. 

Potty progress and entertaining? I know, I questioned myself too as I typed those words in the sequential sentences. 

It began innocent enough, with mom relaying to me that you were using the potty. Which I'm proud of you for! Bit, it got better from there. 

She continued to tell me that as she got ready for work this morning you walked over to her and said "Mommy I got potty" then sat down and went. All on your own. 

Mom leaned down, got nose-to-nose with you to praise you and you grabbed both of her cheeks, squeezed, and told her "no." 

A few minutes later and I get another message. This time it read: "And it continues ... I've been in the bathroom for 5-10 min and before I came in I moved her potty over by the door against the wall. Before I came in here, I just went over to her and told her where I put it if she needs to go so she could find it. Came back into the bathroom and she runs down the hall just saying "see!" So I went to see what she was talking about and she walked me over to the potty and pointed to her ee and said "see" with a huge grin on her face." 

But wait, there's more! 

Shortly after that ... "Omg now I'm back in my room and I hear "mommy look." I walk down the hall to see her carrying the potty with pee in it to show me." 

You simply can't make this stuff up. 

It was time for a celebratory dance:

That's a lot better than "Jump, jump, shake your booty." 

You're growing up so quickly. Keep up the good work!

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