Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today Ava Gave "Plumber's Crack" a New Meaning

Mom took you out for some ice cream after a trip to the Stark County Fairgrounds for the Ribs Burnoff. 

Cone and all
You guys were right around the corner from me but I couldn't come meet up. 

As mom put it "so close but so far away."

Luckily, I was getting close to the end of a 16-hour day and was soon home. Yesterday you were pretending to sleep on mom's chest, today you had a new trick up your sleeve. 

I walked in to an empty living room. All of the lights and the TV were still on so you weren't in our room laying down. Maybe mom had you on the big girl potty? 

Then I heard giggles. 

They were coming from behind the recliner. You and mom tried playing a trick on me by hiding again. 

It would have worked had it not been for the laughter. 

A quick hug and it was on to business. We're having a new dishwasher delivered tomorrow and need to disconnect the current one so they can haul it away. 

I gathered up all of my tools and got to work. 

Little did I realize I would have an apprentice. 

 Ah, plumber's crack. 

You were grabbing tools and trying to wrench whatever you could. I apologize because a few times I got a little short with you. Chalk it up to fatigue and just wanting to chill for the night. Nothing personal. Looking back, I'm smiling at your willingness to get your hands dirty and help out. 

Eventually, with your help, we got everything disconnected.

I'll always appreciate the help! Now let's get some sleep. 

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