Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today Ava Kept Her Hat On

On our way to Marissa's I looked back to see what you were doing. You were quiet, strangely quiet. 

This is what I saw:

I couldn't help but think "Is this what I have to look forward to tonight?" Mom has an away game so it's Daddy/Daughter night at the Waechter household. 

Periodically the thought crept into my head at work "I wonder how's she's behaving?" It wasn't long and my shift was over and I was on my way to find out. 

Marissa said you were good, ate most of your meal (surprise!) and all of your snacks (no surprise there) and took about a 1 hour and 45 minute nap. I was relieved to get the good report. You said goodbye to Laney - still refuse to say "Liv," but at least you waved goodbye to her today. 

One thing Marissa told me was that for most of the afternoon you insisted on wearing your hat around the house. "Let me guess, backwards?" I asked. She laughed and said "Yep, backwards." Every time you put your own hat on, it's backwards. I'd blame it on Kris Kross but you have no idea who they are.

Anyway, we got home and you ran to the tub wanting in. It ended up being the shortest tubby time since you were an infant. No sooner did your toes touch the water did I start hearing "Out." 

Thinking you were just messing around with me again I dumped your toys in the bath after washing your hair and getting you cleaned up. "Out?" "Out?" "Out!"

You really wanted out. Okay. 

"Out" quickly became "Owl" once the PJs were on. You found your owl hat and on your noggin it went.

It's apparent you have my fashion sense. Nothing matches. 

In no time at all the basement was a mess as toys were pulled out, looked at, and discarded for something else. 

We went for piggy back rides too! As we were laying on the floor coloring you suddenly popped up and jumped on my back. I think it was a strategic ambush. Lure me to the floor with crayons and pounce when I'm not ready. We ran a few laps around the basement. "Mo!" never gets old. 

Then the Minnie quad caught your eye. You found it hilarious as you tried to run me over and I ducked and dodged out of your way. 

Not long after the attempted vehicular assault we made our way upstairs.

My phone buzzed to lt me know mom sent me a text. She asked if you were still awake. I sent her a pic of you sitting on the couch trying to get your iPad to work. Your efforts were in vain as the battery had died earlier in the evening.

Once you realized it was not gong to work, you slid off the couch and made your way down the hall. I  flipped the light on in time to see you take a left for our room. "Ava what are you doing?" was answered with a light "Daddy." 

I turned the bedroom light on to see this:

As a captain of the obvious, I'm going to say you're ready for bed. If only you'd run to YOUR bed when you're tired. 

Sleep tight, I'll see you when you wake up!

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