Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today Ava Said "Mine!"

"Already?" I muttered out loud as you lifted your head from my chest and said "room?" The clock read 8:40 p.m. as I swiveled to take a look.

"Room" is what you tell us when you're ready to go lay down for the night. 

You slid from my lap on the couch and grabbed your blanket and down the hall you went.
Your favorite dippy-do sauce? Ketchup!
I hurriedly tried to shut the TV off and kill the lights in the living room (no need to waste energy) but I wasn't quick enough. "Daddy!, Daddy!" echoed down the hallway.

I lifted you up into our bed and began singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," your favorite, to lull you to sleep. 

My awful singing had the opposite effect and you began having a conversation with me that only you understood. It had something to do with Mickey, McGee, and Mommy. 

Eventually you settled in and when I thought you were finally asleep I heard "Toot ... TOOT!" 

Oh Lord, I do NOT want to change a diaper right now ... 

As any good parent would, I quickly put nose to diaper and sniffed your behind. I was able to put my head back down resting assured that it was a false alarm. Bad dream or good joke? We'll never know.

I can only imagine in the darkness you had a sly grin and thought "Haha, fooled him!"

You didn't mutter another word for about five minutes and then I heard it. Plain as day ... 

It was soft at first. "Mine," just above a whisper. 

"No way, no she didn't! She just learned the meaning  of 'no' the other day, give me a little more time!" I thought. 

No sooner did the above race through my mind did I hear "Towel, mine!" 

Then in one motion you grabbed your blanket and rolled over with it in hand and fell asleep. 

When mom got home from her game tonight I was sharing stories of my evening with you - including this one - and she relayed to me that she thought she heard you say "mine" yesterday but wasn't 100%. 

I'm 100% I heard it twice ... let's hope this doesn't get out of hand!

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